
ClientBoard Logo

ClientBoard Ensure ultimate
client satisfaction

Collaborate within a secure and customizable platform.

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ClientBoard Conceptual Interface

Wow your clients, grow your business

As a consultant, providing the best experience for your clients is paramount – engaging interactions,
punctual communication, and the wow-factor is what clients want!

We are innovating new digital ways to help you impress your clients like never before.
Whilst for you, it is all about your clients, for us, it is all about you.

Level up your security with ClientBoard

Level up your security.

ClientBoard keeps your data safe and secure, giving you complete peace of mind. Easily control exactly who can view and edit information so you can ensure absolute client confidentiality and security.

Make emails a thing of the past.

Email threads can be insecure, slow and confusing. When was the last time you were wowed by an email?

ClientBoard is quicker, friendlier, more secure, and ultimately more engaging.

Emails with ClientBoard

You know the drill

Send files securely with Clientboard

Send files

Share and discuss ideas with Clientboard

Share and
discuss ideas

Present proposals with Clientboard


Get client sign-off with Clientboard

Get client

Share reports with Clientboard

Share reports
and results

Stand out with Clientboard

Stand out from the competition

Gain more clients with Clientboard

Gain more

Increase your bottom line with Clientboard

Increase your
bottom line

Level up your security with ClientBoard

Give your team superpowers.

Did we mention? ClientBoard is better for your team, too. Organize and manage work for each of your clients in one workspace. Meetings, tasks and team conversation are streamlined and straightforward. Better teamwork, better collaboration, better results.